Monday, July 20, 2009

This chart shows that not all fish, shellfish, or their food insects can tolerate the same amount of acid.
Generally, most species in comparison to young adults are more sensitive. If they eat insects like this mayfly as part of their food supply of frogs disappeared in May, but they can affect the acidity can tolerate relatively high levels. As the number of lakes and rivers and fish and other aquatic plants and animals is that these waters are low in acid. Certain types of plants and animals of acidic water are able to bear. Others, however, are sensitive to acid pH and a decline in will be lost. Some acid lakes have no fish. PH 5, the most fish eggs can not hatch. Low pH levels, some adult fish die. Aluminum in the soil from the wash water fishing in May as the toxic substances. Together, biological organisms and the ecosystem in which they live is called the environment. Plants and animals living within an ecosystem are highly interdependent. For example, fish and other fish also eat other plants and animals that live in the lake or river. If the loss of acid rain acid-sensitive plants and animals, the fish that depend on food for these organisms may also be affected.
Man-made materials
Acid rain away from the stone, metal, paint - almost any material for a long period of time in contact with the weather eats. Human - even when the material slowly in contact with unpolluted rain spoiled, but the process, acid rain accelerates. Marble statues carved long ago lost their properties can cause acid rain. Acid rain on monuments and buildings have the same effect. Homes, buildings to repair the damage acid rain, and the billion dollar cost of the monuments can. PARTHENON of monuments and ancient buildings in Greece such as, sometimes can not be changed. It's a way for the two building materials commonly used in the marble and limestone monuments at the impact of acid rain is to follow, the ancient buildings, modern infrastructure and a lot. A bowl of white vinegar to keep a piece of chalk. Tap water in a bowl and keep the piece. Leave the dishes overnight. If you have worn out more than a piece of chalk who can see see the next day. The use of chalk with the chalk calcium carbonate, a compound in the rock, like marble and limestone, and occurring animal bones, shells in, and you have made of teeth on the marble and limestone to see the effect of acid rain allows.
Effects of acid rain on people
Acid rain, think, feel and taste like clean rain. The direct damage from acid rain is not. No running water or swim in dangerous than acid rain, or even swimming in an acid lake, is walking. The air pollution that causes acid rain and are harmful to human health. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, a major source of acid rain, or we can irritate lung damage. The pollutants that cause acid rain can also reduce visibility - how far we can see in the distance limit. Primary pollutants acid rain and poor visibility associated with human sulfur dioxide emissions are making. It emisisons, the atmosphere in the small sulfate particles, or aerosols form. These aerosols reduce visibility by scattering light. Sulfate aerosols in the eastern United States are the main reason of poor visibility. Nitrogen oxide emissions also the problem of acid rain has been associated with. They also, very low visibility of the aerosols in the atmosphere can form. Nitrate aerosols often in poor visibility the western United States, where sulfur dioxide emissions in the east and humidity below are the main reasons.

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