Causes and Effects of Acid Rain:
Acid rain and pollution of the man that natural ecosystems may cause damage to the many forms and things, because it harms human health. Here are some of the causes and consequences of acid rain.
The effects of acid rain
Acid rain and acid faster or more accurate, and the pH level of the word is less than 5.6 is used to describe rain. Pollution of this kind is already the subject of debate because of the heavy losses in the ability to make the environment in all parts of the world is due. Rain for the last decade or so, hundreds of lakes and rivers in the United States, Canada, including in many parts of the world is the reason for the destruction of DNA and Europe. Acid rain and nitrogen Sulfite forms of moisture in the atmosphere is a mixture of sulfur acid and nitric acid, resulting in the formation of e. Away from their areas of origin of these acids can be distributed.
Which is due to acid rain?
Nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides, nitrogen dioxide, or SO2, acid rain, and from two main sources. What is a colorless gas, and sulfur dioxide, in the form of a product is off when fossil fuels are burned, including sulfur. In various industrial processes, because of gas and crude oil, and processing services, as well as factories, plants and produce iron and steel. This means that natural disasters, as well as sulfur dioxide that can be produced in a factory environment, plankton, and sea spray, rotting in the form of a volcano, is the release of about 10% of the total sulfur dioxide. The whole, industry 69.4% of the emissions from the combustion of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere is responsible for the transfer of vehicles and about 3.7% is responsible for.
Nitrogen dioxide from other chemicals, which are acid rain. There are nitrogen compounds, which includes a large quantity of corn from the oxygen in the form of oxides of nitrogen are known. For example, nitrogen oxides, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen is the single. These gases, which include high temperature, such as public utilities, factories and cars in the shooting, and the chemical industry, such as the production of waste produced. Five percent of the nitrogen oxide emitted from the natural processes, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and the bacteria work on the ground. Industrial 43% 32% places the responsibility for transport vehicles and procedures.
This in itself is dangerous nitrogen dioxide gas, by attacking their membranes, thereby increasing the risk of respiratory diseases affecting the respiratory organs of reasons. Soot in the air, as well as causing damage to the ozone layer is a contributing factor. When acid rain is nitrogen oxide from the rain, which can be done at the site of origin.
What is the impact of acid rain?
Acid rain effects on the lives of plants: roots, which absorb the aluminum, such as soil and toxic substances in the ground resolution of toxins in plants and trees, acid rain leaks. The acid rain that the metals and food away from the plants and trees in the ground before washing in order to develop a mixed them with an opportunity to use them.
When acid rain continues, and this is left to spoil Sophie protection. When this protective layer of leaves exposed to the disease, because it had lost the results. When the damaged leaves to stay healthy nutrition for the plant capacity to produce enough to lose. Once cold weather weakened the plant, insect and disease is very low, which may cause his death.
Acid rain affect the aquatic life: in addition to plants, acid rain, also have a negative impact on the water. Scathing criticism of the ability of a large amount of food for the fish in salt interference in oxygen. As they are freshwater fish, in order to survive in the tissues of mineral and salt to maintain a balance between the need for capacity. There is a sufficient quantity of oxygen absorbed by the membrane prevents the gills to take acid molecule results. Also, the acidity, which reduces the level of pH, and salt in the tissues of fish can lead to imbalances.
In addition, the pH in some fish, and their ability to change the level of calcium to maintain weaken. This weakens the reproductive capacity of fish and eggs, because they are weak or fragile. Is still weak, and the absence of calcium and also causes deformity in the spine.
Acid rain, a man objects: In addition to the losses resulting from natural ecosystems, acid rain damage humankind - the creation of structures and materials. For example, acid rain, sandstone, limestone, marble melts. It also corrupts ceramics, textiles, paints, and metals. If contact with the rubber and acid rain, and bad skin. Stone carvings and features of their sites, and it seems to lose contact with the acid rain.
Acid rain on people: More than anything else, and acid rain, and affect human health is the opposite. Environment as a tool for land, as well as damage us for dinner at our capacity. Toxic metals that naturally occur in a broad chemical compounds in the acid rain is the result of the dissolution. However, toxic metals can be dangerous, but always found together with other elements, it is not harmful. After the infiltration of acid rain in the drinking water could be the release of toxic metals, crops and animals, or people as a food source, which causes their use. Food contaminated with this serious brain damage or even death in children in the nerve, or may lead to damage. Scientists believe that the aluminum and acid rain affected by toxic metals is associated with Alzheimer's disease is suspected.
And acid rain, for one reason, however, and the negative health effects of breathing problems. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, nose and throat, where the eye of harassment because of breathing problems, headaches, asthma, dry cough. Acid rain, especially those who find difficulty in breathing or harm suffered from asthma. Indeed, even healthy people's lungs were destroyed by acid air pollutants, which can be done.
Acid rain and pollution of the man that natural ecosystems may cause damage to the many forms and things, because it harms human health. Here are some of the causes and consequences of acid rain.
The effects of acid rain
Acid rain and acid faster or more accurate, and the pH level of the word is less than 5.6 is used to describe rain. Pollution of this kind is already the subject of debate because of the heavy losses in the ability to make the environment in all parts of the world is due. Rain for the last decade or so, hundreds of lakes and rivers in the United States, Canada, including in many parts of the world is the reason for the destruction of DNA and Europe. Acid rain and nitrogen Sulfite forms of moisture in the atmosphere is a mixture of sulfur acid and nitric acid, resulting in the formation of e. Away from their areas of origin of these acids can be distributed.
Which is due to acid rain?
Nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides, nitrogen dioxide, or SO2, acid rain, and from two main sources. What is a colorless gas, and sulfur dioxide, in the form of a product is off when fossil fuels are burned, including sulfur. In various industrial processes, because of gas and crude oil, and processing services, as well as factories, plants and produce iron and steel. This means that natural disasters, as well as sulfur dioxide that can be produced in a factory environment, plankton, and sea spray, rotting in the form of a volcano, is the release of about 10% of the total sulfur dioxide. The whole, industry 69.4% of the emissions from the combustion of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere is responsible for the transfer of vehicles and about 3.7% is responsible for.
Nitrogen dioxide from other chemicals, which are acid rain. There are nitrogen compounds, which includes a large quantity of corn from the oxygen in the form of oxides of nitrogen are known. For example, nitrogen oxides, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen is the single. These gases, which include high temperature, such as public utilities, factories and cars in the shooting, and the chemical industry, such as the production of waste produced. Five percent of the nitrogen oxide emitted from the natural processes, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and the bacteria work on the ground. Industrial 43% 32% places the responsibility for transport vehicles and procedures.
This in itself is dangerous nitrogen dioxide gas, by attacking their membranes, thereby increasing the risk of respiratory diseases affecting the respiratory organs of reasons. Soot in the air, as well as causing damage to the ozone layer is a contributing factor. When acid rain is nitrogen oxide from the rain, which can be done at the site of origin.
What is the impact of acid rain?
Acid rain effects on the lives of plants: roots, which absorb the aluminum, such as soil and toxic substances in the ground resolution of toxins in plants and trees, acid rain leaks. The acid rain that the metals and food away from the plants and trees in the ground before washing in order to develop a mixed them with an opportunity to use them.
When acid rain continues, and this is left to spoil Sophie protection. When this protective layer of leaves exposed to the disease, because it had lost the results. When the damaged leaves to stay healthy nutrition for the plant capacity to produce enough to lose. Once cold weather weakened the plant, insect and disease is very low, which may cause his death.
Acid rain affect the aquatic life: in addition to plants, acid rain, also have a negative impact on the water. Scathing criticism of the ability of a large amount of food for the fish in salt interference in oxygen. As they are freshwater fish, in order to survive in the tissues of mineral and salt to maintain a balance between the need for capacity. There is a sufficient quantity of oxygen absorbed by the membrane prevents the gills to take acid molecule results. Also, the acidity, which reduces the level of pH, and salt in the tissues of fish can lead to imbalances.
In addition, the pH in some fish, and their ability to change the level of calcium to maintain weaken. This weakens the reproductive capacity of fish and eggs, because they are weak or fragile. Is still weak, and the absence of calcium and also causes deformity in the spine.
Acid rain, a man objects: In addition to the losses resulting from natural ecosystems, acid rain damage humankind - the creation of structures and materials. For example, acid rain, sandstone, limestone, marble melts. It also corrupts ceramics, textiles, paints, and metals. If contact with the rubber and acid rain, and bad skin. Stone carvings and features of their sites, and it seems to lose contact with the acid rain.
Acid rain on people: More than anything else, and acid rain, and affect human health is the opposite. Environment as a tool for land, as well as damage us for dinner at our capacity. Toxic metals that naturally occur in a broad chemical compounds in the acid rain is the result of the dissolution. However, toxic metals can be dangerous, but always found together with other elements, it is not harmful. After the infiltration of acid rain in the drinking water could be the release of toxic metals, crops and animals, or people as a food source, which causes their use. Food contaminated with this serious brain damage or even death in children in the nerve, or may lead to damage. Scientists believe that the aluminum and acid rain affected by toxic metals is associated with Alzheimer's disease is suspected.
And acid rain, for one reason, however, and the negative health effects of breathing problems. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, nose and throat, where the eye of harassment because of breathing problems, headaches, asthma, dry cough. Acid rain, especially those who find difficulty in breathing or harm suffered from asthma. Indeed, even healthy people's lungs were destroyed by acid air pollutants, which can be done.
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