Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Global Warming Solutions

The Science:

Global warming refers to an increase in average temperature of the earth's surface, atmosphere and oceans over time. The temperature will rise due to increased emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases such as methane, nitrous oxide and aerosols in the atmosphere.

When the sunlight seemed to surface, some is reflected back to space by infrared radiation or heat. Greenhouse gases absorb this infrared radiation and trap heat in the atmosphere. Normal quantity of gas to warm the land, and housing. However, the construction of natural gas outside of the standard speed, which can lead to a warming climate. The surface air temperature and sub-surface to the warming of the oceans and should continue to grow.

The Effect:

The global warming moves ecosystems. This is the retreat of glaciers, the water of one million people. Plant productivity and stability of change, destruction of sensitive ecosystems. In general, the impact is widespread and irreversible.

The record of atmospheric gases, resulting from burning fossil fuels and mining to agriculture. According to most experts, the supremacy of dramatic warming in the last 50 years due to people activities. United States, energy-related carbon dioxide emissions from oil and natural gas, 82 percent of our total anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases.

Global warming as glaciers and polar bears. Great Lakes is the largest body of freshwater in the world, the largest source of surface freshwater in the world. Scientists estimate that the Lakes are warmer and waterfalls, with constant income.

The Problem:

The Midwest is the heart of the problem of global warming and Mayo in the middle of our solutions.

Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio 20% of carbon dioxide pollution in the United States is only 5% of global pollution. The Midwest alone is responsible for global warming pollution more than most countries in the world, except China, India, Russia and Japan. There are several factors that Midwest is crucial to global warming solutions:

* The Midwest is the largest concentration of old, dirty coal-fired power plants, large amounts of carbon dioxide that cause global warming.
* The cost of U.S. shipping crossroads of America, has a high burden of carbon.

The Solutions:

Clean technologies mean a cleaner world for all. Not only the modern technology, the pollution of carbon monoxide and other harmful substances that poison our Lakes, our land, shortage and damage human health. The reduction of pollution, contributes to warming of our planet, energy and transport systems more effective protection of forest ecosystems, biodiversity and wildlife and improving air quality and protect the health of citizens.

We need political and financial capital for clean energy decision today. For example, renewable energy such as wind and others, currently supplies about 2% of electricity. We have the technology to cover 20% of our energy needs with renewable energy. The results - a 51% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions - is greater than the decrease of Kyoto.

Clean vehicle technology can create better and cleaner cars, more miles and the creation of the necessary production work. We have the technology to clean the dirty diesel trucks and use cleaner fuels - but can only be done through the barriers and create policies to reduce pollution.

It is our moral duty to our use of coal for the world and today's generation. Current technology, political and personal effects may be a major step forward for our energy future of domestic entrepreneurship and innovation, while protecting our natural resources.

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