Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Acid Rain and Our Health

Relationship between acid rain and human health:

Nitrogen dioxide in the air of a very good sulfates and water vapor react with other chemicals. Suspension particles in urban smog and now the most important factor for health is considered a significant risk.

Health effects of particulate matter (PM):

Fine particles, or talk particulate (PM), lung inflammation and tissue damage may be the cause of deep. These particles, and especially the elderly with heart and respiratory diseases are dangerous for people. Recent studies of sulfate particles in the air and the high heart and respiratory diseases in the clinic for a strong link between increased intake found, the increase in days of asthma symptoms, and a high mortality of these diseases.

Science of the atmosphere:

Department of Atmospheric Science Program of the impact of the acid for monitoring emissions to make the attack on the plane out of the regional representatives of the Board of places around the Atlantic and the value of continuing the identification of areas sensitive to acidification changes in the acidic environment ( "critical load").

The fight against acid rain is not yet complete. The former in large parts of Canada in a serious burden on New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, including the most sour. In these areas after acidification, biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems and forests of the health risk and productivity loss that is living in sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in Canada and the United States further reduction.

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